Designers and Yarn Support

Would you like to design for lolodidit?

Design exclusively for lolodidit

Are you a designer, but want to design for a business instead of publishing independently? This is a great option for people who LOVE to design, but don't necessarily want the stress of producing a pattern for publication, marketing, advertising, photography, etc. We are looking for knitting or crochet designers who have experience creating their own designs. A resume, letter of recommendation from other businesses you've worked for, publications you've had in the past with other design companies would be welcomed for your application.

Designers are paid a flat fee for their patterns, and lolodidit has exclusive rights to the pattern for 2 years. We provide the yarn support, tech editing, professional photography, among other benefits.

Send your proposal to, Lauren will respond within 7 business days.  Not all proposals will be accepted, each proposal is reviewed to see if it will work with our esthetic, customers, and our schedule of designs we already have planned.  

How to Apply for Yarn Support as an Independent Designer

We provide yarn support for knitting and crochet designers! We are looking for established designers, who have a minimum of 10 patterns published and a social media presence. Your designs must be available to purchase in two places, including an option outside of Ravelry. To apply, please send a detailed proposal including: yarn base, yardage, colors, and a brief sketch and description of the design. Include links to your previously published patterns and your social media accounts. Send your proposal to, Lauren will respond within 7 business days.  Not all proposals will be accepted, each proposal is reviewed to see if it will work with our esthetic, customers, and our schedule of designs we already have planned.  


When you get the yarn in your hands, we love reposting sneak peaks and letting our customers know we have an upcoming collaboration! We are very dedicated to marketing, and planning the release with you, so keeping us in the loop with timing of the release is important. We do not like overlapping designers so we can be completely focused on your design. Release dates do matter. We also love to get a sample knit up in another color combo option and photographed with our models, so please make sure we know when you're in the testing phase so we can have one of our sample knitters work it up. When we get close to the release date, we need at least 2 weeks notice so we can have the kits and all the marketing ready to go! 

Thank you so much! We can't wait to see your proposals!