Loyalty Points FAQs

ALL coupon codes that are automatically sent through our system are automatic. I have no access to those coupon codes and cannot apply them retroactively or even proactively. It is up to you to keep track of coupon codes you have and the points you earn through your purchases.

When will my points for loyalty rewards show up on my account after a purchase?

Once your order is fulfilled, that is when you will get your rewards points for purchases. You must be sign up and logged into the loyalty points system to receive points. Points are issued automatically after a purchase. Points will not be issued retroactively. 


Why can't I add my coupon code when I checkout?

You can only use one coupon code per order. Coupon codes cannot be combined. Make sure you only have 1 coupon in your order. Also, you must meet the requirements. For example, the Free Shipping coupon has a minimum purchase of $100. 


When will my loyalty points coupon code expire?

If you redeem your loyalty points and receive your emailed coupon code, that code will expire in 1 year from the date it was issued. The email will have those details.